About me

exploring rainforest


I am the founder of this website, EcoEdHub, which was created to be a source of inspiration for teachers looking for resources, ideas and connection with others on the themes of climate change and environmental education. I'm a primary school teacher and Geography Lead in a London primary school. I also provide training and support for teachers in these fields, both within the UK and internationally. 

With over twenty years as a teacher in the UK, New Zealand and Zimbabwe I bring my passion for experiential learning together with a desire to empower children as agents of change. I believe it's important to keep on learning myself, to model the joy of discovery. I'm currently enjoying discovering new places - whether it's the temperate rainforests of Wales (love a wild swim in an icy river too!) or the beachscapes of Cornwall - there is always somewhere new to explore. My children are avid campers and explorers, but they do occasionally plead for their own comfy bed after too many nights in a tent!

me on Mount Snowdon
waterfall in rainforest
weird green fungi in prenteg
examining rainforest plant
fungi on tree

I hope that the work we are doing as educators can support future generations to be connected to nature and dedicated towards preserving the biodiversity around them.

I hope you find inspiration and practical resources here on the site. If you are interested in training or further support drop me a line though the contact page,

Happy exploring!

Natalie Tembo

B.Ed, M.Ed, Postgrad: Leading Teacher Development