Environmental Education Research

Environmental education is an important field of study that focuses on educating people about environmental issues and encouraging them to take action to protect the environment. Over the years, many research studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of environmental education programs. Here are some of the key findings from this research:

  1. Environmental education can increase knowledge and awareness: Studies have shown that environmental education programs can increase people's knowledge and awareness of environmental issues. This can lead to greater concern and interest in environmental protection.
  2. Environmental education can change attitudes and behavior: Research has found that environmental education can change people's attitudes and behaviors towards the environment. For example, people who participate in environmental education programs are more likely to engage in environmentally-friendly behaviors such as recycling and reducing energy use.
  3. Outdoor and experiential education is effective: Research has shown that outdoor and experiential education programs are particularly effective in promoting environmental learning and behavior change. These programs allow participants to experience nature firsthand and develop a personal connection with the environment.
  4. Environmental education should be interdisciplinary: Studies have found that environmental education is most effective when it is interdisciplinary, incorporating multiple fields of study such as science, social studies, and the arts. This allows learners to see the connections between different environmental issues and develop a more comprehensive understanding of the environment.
  5. Environmental education can be effective across different age groups: Research has shown that environmental education can be effective across different age groups, from young children to adults. However, the approach and content of environmental education programs may need to be adapted to meet the needs and interests of different age groups.

These findings highlight the importance of environmental education in promoting environmental awareness, attitudes, and behaviors. By incorporating these research-based strategies into environmental education programs, educators and organizations can help inspire and empower people to take action to protect the environment.

Important scholars in the field of Environmental Education

There are many scholars who have made significant contributions to the field of environmental education, and it is difficult to identify a definitive list of "top scholars." However, here are some notable scholars in the field of environmental education:

  1. David Orr - Orr is an American environmentalist, author, and professor of environmental studies at Oberlin College. He is a leading voice in the field of ecological literacy and has written extensively on the need for a deeper understanding of our relationship with the natural world.
  2. Arjen Wals - Wals is a Dutch professor of transformative learning for sustainability at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. He has published extensively on the role of education in sustainability and is particularly interested in the use of transformative learning to inspire action for a more sustainable world.
  3. Fikret Berkes - Berkes is a Canadian environmental scientist and professor at the University of Manitoba. He has written extensively on the relationship between indigenous knowledge and conservation, and his work has contributed to the growing recognition of the importance of traditional ecological knowledge in environmental management.
  4. Marcia McKenzie - McKenzie is a Canadian environmental education researcher and professor at the University of Saskatchewan. Her research focuses on the intersections of environmental education, social justice, and Indigenous knowledge.
  5. David Sobel - Sobel is an American educator and author who has written extensively on the importance of place-based education and nature-based learning. He has worked to integrate environmental education into traditional K-12 curricula and has developed innovative approaches to teaching environmental concepts to children.

These are just a few examples of scholars who have made significant contributions to the field of environmental education.

School strike for climate: A reckoning for education | Australian Journal of Environmental Education | Cambridge Core, Published online by Cambridge University Press:  16 February 2022