Creating a natural pond

frog in water

What makes a natural pond different to other ponds?

A natural pond, also known as a wildlife pond or ecosystem pond, is designed to mimic natural bodies of water, such as ponds, lakes, or wetlands, in terms of structure, function, and ecological balance. Here are some key features that distinguish a natural pond from other types of ponds:

  1. Ecosystem approach: A natural pond aims to create a self-sustaining ecosystem that supports a variety of plants, animals, and microorganisms. It seeks to establish a balanced and biodiverse aquatic habitat where organisms interact and contribute to the overall health of the ecosystem.
  2. Filtration through plants: Natural ponds rely on aquatic plants, such as water lilies, submerged plants, and marginal plants, to provide natural filtration and oxygenation. These plants absorb nutrients, help control algae growth, and improve water quality.
  3. Absence of chemical treatments: Unlike some ornamental ponds, natural ponds typically avoid the use of chemicals like algaecides or pesticides, as they can disrupt the natural balance and harm the aquatic ecosystem. Instead, natural methods, such as biological filtration and beneficial bacteria, are employed to maintain water quality.
  4. Varying depths and contours: Natural ponds often have varying depths, including shallow areas, to accommodate a diverse range of aquatic life. Contoured edges and shelves provide habitats for different plants and animals, creating niches for various species to thrive.
  5. Wildlife habitat: Natural ponds prioritize creating a habitat for wildlife. They provide shelter, breeding areas, and food sources for aquatic organisms, insects, amphibians, birds, and small mammals. Native plants and rocks are strategically placed to support and attract wildlife.
  6. Organic matter and leaf litter: Natural ponds embrace the presence of organic matter, such as leaf litter and fallen debris, as they contribute to the nutrient cycle and provide food and shelter for organisms. This natural decomposition process supports the overall health of the ecosystem.
  7. Recirculating water: Natural ponds can incorporate recirculating water features, such as streams or waterfalls, to enhance oxygenation and create natural water movement. These features promote a healthy ecosystem and add aesthetic appeal.
  8. Minimal human intervention: While some maintenance and care are necessary, natural ponds aim to minimize human intervention compared to highly engineered or artificial ponds. They seek to strike a balance between human enjoyment and the preservation of a natural environment.

The primary focus of a natural pond is to create a thriving and ecologically balanced aquatic ecosystem that supports native species, fosters biodiversity, and provides a visually appealing and tranquil space. It prioritizes the principles of sustainability, harmony with nature, and the preservation of natural processes.

natural pond in school

How to create a natural pond

Creating a natural pond involves several steps and considerations. Here's a general guide on how to create a natural pond:

  1. Planning and Design:Determine the location: Choose a suitable location for your pond, considering factors like sunlight exposure, access to water source, and proximity to trees (to minimize leaf litter).Size and shape: Decide on the size and shape of the pond based on available space and your preferences.Research regulations: Check local regulations and obtain any necessary permits for pond construction.
  2. Excavation:Mark the area: Use stakes and string to mark the perimeter of the pond.Excavate the pond: Use a backhoe, mini excavator, or dig by hand to remove the soil and create the desired depth and shape of the pond. Keep in mind that a natural pond usually has varying depths to support different aquatic life.
  3. Pond Liner:Choose a liner: Select a pond liner material that suits your needs. Common options include clay liners, bentonite clay, EPDM rubber liners, or PVC liners.Install the liner: Carefully place and secure the liner in the excavated pond area, ensuring it covers the entire bottom and sides. Trim off any excess liner.
  4. Beneficial plants: Introduce aquatic plants like water lilies, water irises, and floating plants. They provide natural filtration, oxygenation, and shade.Substrate and rocks: Add a layer of substrate (like gravel) to the bottom of the pond to provide a habitat for beneficial bacteria and aquatic organisms. Place rocks and stones strategically to create areas of interest and provide shelter.
  5. Water Source:Fill the pond: Fill the pond with water from a clean and reliable source, such as a well, rainwater collection, or a hose connected to a municipal water supply. Avoid using water treated with chemicals like chlorine, as it can harm aquatic life.
  6. Aquatic Life:Native fish and wildlife: Consider adding native fish species and other wildlife, such as frogs or turtles, if desired. Ensure the species are suitable for your region and pond size, and follow local regulations for introducing wildlife.
  7. Maintenance and Care:Regular maintenance: Monitor the pond's water quality, oxygen levels, and overall health. Remove debris, control excessive plant growth, and maintain the desired water level.Prevent algae growth: Implement natural methods to control algae growth, such as adding beneficial bacteria, maintaining a balanced ecosystem, and avoiding overfeeding fish.Winter care: Prepare the pond for winter by ensuring the water level is appropriate for your climate and providing aeration or using a floating deicer to prevent ice buildup.

Remember, creating a natural pond may require specific considerations based on your location, climate, and intended use. It's advisable to consult local experts or pond professionals for guidance and to ensure compliance with any regulations or permits necessary for your area.

Creating a free-standing wildlife pond can be a great way to get going quickly, if digging up garden space is an issue.